My 3 month study abroad where growing up is messy, adventures are abundant, and every day has infinite potential.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Meet the Parents.
After a few hours, Nanna was commenting (she doesn't complain) that her feet hurt. She was wearing white leather addidas sneakers, the ugliest shoes I have ever seen. We went to a shoe store and started trying on shoes. She refused to buy any because they were too expensive. But she also refuesed to put on her ugly sneakers. I told her, "You have to either buy some or put the ugly ones back on. Lorin is done shopping."
"I'd rather go barefoot"
"You can't go barefoot. It's raining"
"Why did I even bring these shoes? I had my comfortable ones packed and put these in instead."
"Well, why don't you buy this pair. They're comfortable AND cute"
"The pair I didn't bring looked just like that. Why did I switch them? Oh Judy."
"I'm sorry you didn't bring that pair. Why don't you decide so we can go?"
"I should have brought that pair. These ones are leather so I thought it'd be good that they were water resistant. I haven't worn them in years. Now I know why. They hurt."
I just started laughing. Then she started laughing. And then we were in a fit of giggles in the middle of the department store shoe section. It was like we'd spent the last 3 months together. It was good.
This morning, we were standing by the canal. Lorin was rummaging in his backpack, and Nanna's sunglasses fell into the water. I was the only one who noticed, but for some reason, I didn't say anything. A few seconds later, Nanna said, "Lorin, I think I'll put on my sunglasses"
I said, "I think they just fell in the water."
Nanna said, "Oh Lorin! This is a disaster. Oh no! Those are m'good sunglasses. I need them."
Lorin said, "´Well, I think they're gone. We'll buy you another pair."
Nanna, looking down said, "If I had a pole I could get them. I need a pole. I could just swipe them over to the side and pick them up." And with that she ran off.
Lorin and I started taking pictures. After 11 snaps of the shutter Lorin said, "look, the sunglasses are floating back. Why don't you go down and get them."
So I clamoured under the railing and onto the edge of the canal. Which is about 10 inches wide. I pressed my back along the wall. I was side stepping over when Nanna came up with a wooden pole 20 feet long.
"Look, I've got a pole" She lowered it into the water and started trying to push the sunglasses toward me. I was afraid she was going to knock me off. So I grabbed onto it "let go, I'll get them". As I looked up, I realized we had attracted a crowd of people.
Nanna said, "No, no, no, it is easier to control the pole from above."
"Just let go. I'll do it" I said. And she let go of the pole. I carefully pulled the glasses toward me. I handed Nanna the pole, reached down, and picked the glasses out of the water.
Nanna was happy, "good job Hannah! I'm going to go put the pole back."
As I side stepped along the small edge, I saw Lorin, camera in hand.
Lorin said, "Well that was worth the whole trip to Europe!"
I climbed over the railing and up the steps. Nanna met us at the top. I handed her the glasses and asked, "So where did you get that pole anyway?"
"Oh, I found it sitting on the dock."
Today, I got to use Lorin's new super gread D300s. The one he bought because he missed me. It was so nice. I love that camera so much. I like the way it feels when you take a picture. It's smooth, almost no vibration. I took several hundred pictures today. So much fun.
ps. Please forgive typos. I'm writing on a Danish keyboard.
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Streetcars Home - The Sequal
I get to meet my parents tomorrow in Copenhagen. I'm excited.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Monday, July 26, 2010
The Last Essays
Saturday, July 24, 2010
Heaven on Earth
First, Amelia and I went to the globe museum. The only globe museum in the world. There should be more. I've always had a thing for globes. I think it dates back to watching cartoons as a child. I remember one episode of Recess where they had a globe that opened and had bubble gum in the center. Since then I've had a thing for globes. When my great-grandma died last year, I got my great-grandpa's glob. It sits in my room. It is seriously my most prized possession.
So I walk into the globe museum today. The first thing I saw were a pair of globes. What? Globes in pairs? Yes, you see globes used to come in pairs. One for the earth and one for the heavens. This particular pair of globes each had a 4 foot diameter. They belonged to Louis XIV. My mind flashed to images of him turning his globe, much to Colbert's dismay. Globes are symbols of power. The world seems so small and manageable. Someday I would like to take a trip to a place chosen by spinning the globe and placing my finger. Someday.
The globe museum was filled with globes from all over the world from all time. The globes all came in pairs. I found myself marveling at humanity. We, as a race, have such drive to understand. The instruments used to measure, the way the globes of the earth and the heavens were made. I was awestruck at the dedication to knowledge so many had.
Once we were done in the museum, Amelia and I went to the national library. As I walked in, it went like this:
This is what it looks like when not animated:
Seriously. I just stood there with my mouth open. Heaven is the Austrian national library. There is no question about that. The wood was goregous. Elegant patterns from the grain and the color that wood ought to be. Everything was gold. It was pretty gold. Not gaudy gold. It was floral themed. Beautiful. But best were the books. A hall, this center room, and another hall of books. Two floors of this. Not paperback books. No. Leather and gold bound books. An unfathomable amount of beautiful books. I have never been happier. I sat down and marveled. And marveled. I kept repeating to myself "I can't believe this exists". It is clearly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I never wanted to leave. I left my heart sitting in the Austrian National Library. I need to find myself a beast to give me one just like it.
Happy Birthday Lorin
1. He lets me grow up and encourages my dreams whether it be dragging me and the horse to Joe's for riding lessons, letting me steal his camera, or sending me to Europe for 3 months. He's always there to me up and help me along.
2. When I was in 4th and 5th grade he was busy learning to be stake president. I started to withdraw from him. So he started giving me notes every day before school. I have an entire box full of 3x5 cards that he wrote me.
3. He will say "Han, we haven't spent time together in a while, let's go do something." And so we go do whatever we want to do. Usually it includes dessert.
4. Two days before I left, he came home with the most beautiful flower arrangement for me. Just because he loves me.
5. He is very adamant we have family prayer.
6. He has treats in his office at the church and he lets me steal them. Even if it is the last chocolate.
7. He loves to teach me. He will send me articles he finds interesting, or tell me stories I can learn from, or spend an hour trying to help me understand my pre-calculus homework.
8. He tells me he is proud of me. Even when it is little things.
9. He won't let me live anything down. Like when I was 10 and trying to get off the horse and fell off it defending myself by calling it a "grateful discount" OR last year when he took me fishing and I got my hook stuck in the guide's nose.
10. If he thinks I'm wrong, he will tell me. But he won't force me to change.
11. He let me drive his Lexus as soon I got my permit.
12. He let me keep driving his Lexus after I almost crashed it. Several times.
13. He lets me choose the radio station. Usually.
14. When my mom told him to buy a new TV for the basement, he had a 108-inch HD projector with surround sound installed.
15. He asked me if I still had my drivers-ed book in anticipation of his upcoming license renewal. Just to be safe.
16. I have never seen he and my mom fight. Ever.
17. After he had his knee replaced in December, I "had" to drive him everywhere. He said thank you even though we both knew I loved it.
18. He has unbelievable integrity.
19. He has a strong testimony and shares it with me often.
20. He pretends that working and being stake president is a burden. But we all know he is very good at it and loves it.
21. He has always had white hair. It makes him easy to identify in a crowd.
22. He calls me "Hannah Banana Grace Rockhopper Pugh" and "Sweetheart" and "Han".
23. When I ran out of money, he put money in my account as soon as he could.
24. He will be forever making fun of somebody or pulling a prank on them. But he never goes too far. And he has friends that will do it right back.
25. He openly admits that I am his favorite child daughter.
Friday, July 23, 2010
18 days
Funny thing is, I'm really going to miss this place.
18 days seems like a long time. I cannot tell you how many trips to Hawaii we've taken for 18 days. Last year I was in Europe for 18 days. I used to think 18 days was 3 weeks. It wasn't until last year that I figured out it wasn't 3 weeks but 2 weeks and 4 days. 18 days always feels so long. 18 days is the perfect time for a trip. You get into "the mode" without missing too much of your real life. Funny thing is, these 18 days are going to fly by. These 18 days aren't going to last long enough. But they will also last too long.
I will see you all in 18 days.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Hardened Criminal
I got on the bus and rode down to the S-bahn station. I got off and walked up the stairs. I stood on the platform waiting for my 14.33 train. My mind was wandering around. More of grazing really. Thinking thoughts I can't remember. Then, my mind thought the thought "You don't have your wallet". I realized my mind was right. I didn't have my wallet. Which is a huge deal because it meant I didn't have my public transport pass. Or money to pay the 65 Euro fine. Crap.
But I had to get to school. Normally I would just skip German. My dedication to that class does not include paying fines to get there. But I had to give my presentation AND take a quiz. So, like 20% of my grade was riding on this class.
My train whoosed up with the wind it makes. It is so hot here and the wind felt good. I opened the door and found a seat. I considered sitting in the bathroom the whole ride. No inspector would find me there. But it smells so bad, and I would probably miss my train. The real reason I didn't do that was that if the ticket inspector realized I was in there I would be cornered. So I found a seat and sat down. It is a 15 minute train ride to Sudbahnof where I catch the U1 to school. It was an intense 15 minutes. I kept searching for the ticket inspector that would inevitably come. I had an escape plan. The second I saw them I would casually but swiftly walk down the isle, to the bathroom for a moment, and into the car from which they had just come. If I couldn't escape them, I had another plan. I would rummage in my bag and then looked shocked and say "someone has stolen my wallet!" The train rolled into Sudbahnof and I literally jumped off. Safe.
I walked down to the U-bahn platform. U-bahns make me uncomfortable. I don't like being underground. Anyway, my subway came whoosing up. I got in the most crowded car I could and stood there. Longest 4 minutes of my life. I was claustrophobic, could hardly breathe, and was stressing about an inspector coming.
I got off the subway and I felt so relieved. I hurried up to German class. It was an average German class. I skyped my friend. Then I had to go home for dinner.
I made it through the U-bahn uneventfully. The first 10 minutes of the S-bahn ride were also uneventful. I'd done this before. I was becoming a practiced criminal. I put my leg up on the empty seat across from me. A relaxed position of authority. Plus my feet don't touch the ground flat-footed so it is more comfortable to just put them up.
I was looking out the window, my mind grazing again. Then there was a man in front of me. He made a motion like he was sweeping my feet of the chair. I put them down. He sat down. A few seconds later, his friend sat next to him. Markus's words during orientation echoed through my head, "the ticket-inspectors are men. They are dressed normally and travel in pairs. They will wait until you are well between stops to ask for your ticket so you can't run away." These two men fit the profile perfectly. My blood pressure rose. Crap. What am I going to say? He already doesn't like me for having my feet on the seat. I was so anxious. When are they going to ask for tickets? Why are they waiting so long? Are they going to ask me first? Maybe they will just skip me. My thoughts ran on for several minutes.
Then, the train started to slow. I looked out the window. I saw the familiar house right before my stop. That platform was safety. I stood up and walked to the door. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. The train stopped. I tried to open the door. It didn't open. the two men sitting across from me were also standing up, talking to a woman across the aisle from us. Open damned doors. Open. I saw the woman reach into her purse for something. She handed it to the men. Why is the door not opening? They nodded and handed whatever it was pack to her. They moved onto the next person. Just then, the door opened. I leaped over the two steps of the train and onto the platform. Safety. I felt like a refugee. I stood and watched as the train drove off, sticking my tongue out in a sneer of victory.
Meine Familie und unser Haustier

As you can see my 13 years of art at Waterford didn't help me much.
Unfortunately my family isn't big enough and my German isn't good enough for me to talk about them for 5 minutes. So I talked about the pets too. Pets are part of the family too you know.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Days Until...
June 26, 1994 - 5869 days
July 29, 1996 - 5105 days
August 2, 1997 - 4736 days
May 3, 2010 - 79 days
June 26, 2010 - 25 days
August 10, 2010 - 20 days
June 3, 2012 - 683 days
Significance of these dates?
The first is the day I was born. That is how many days I've been alive.
The second is the day Sam was born. I love him lots. What a wonderful only sibling he is.
The fourth is the day I left for Vienna. It has been in there since November. I can't believe how quickly this has come and gone.
The fifth is named "I can drive!". It has been in there for about 2 years. I can't believe I'm passed it. It scares me that it has passed. I didn't really ever believe it would ever come.
The sixth is the day I go home. 20 days. Turns out three months isn't such a long time after all.
The last is my graduation day. It seems like it is far off. Unfortunately, I'm quite sure it will fly by as quickly as the rest.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
It's been too long
Let's start with the weekend. This weekend I went to... BERLIN. Ich finde Berlin interessant. My favorite part was the German History mueseum. Go ahead, call me a nerd. I skipped most of it, just went through about 1800-1945. I would best describe it as my AP Euro class. But rather than powerpoints with pictures, the museum had the real object. They had a lot of things. It wasn't that anything was all that rare. But the quantity of things they had. It made for a very clear picture of whatever they were showing. My two favorite things were 1) a penny farthing and 2) the newspaper with Emile Zola's "Je t'accuse". I gasped when I saw both of them. Besides the museum I went on a tour and saw all the sights. Pretty cool. Berlin is one of my favorite cities because of all the history it has.
On Sunday, Amelia and I started a new tradition known as "Happy Meal Sunday". You see, church is not until 1:30. So we are at a bus station at about 12:45, right when we are getting hungry. So we scamper across the street and get happy meals. We eat them on the bus and then play with the toys during church.
Yesterday was Monday. Amelia and I went to the National Treasury. Nothing like looking at gold, jewels, and crowns to make you feel like a peasant. I'm still trying to comprehend the wealth. I wish I could meat a member of a royal family. Born with such luxury and so many possibilities but also the responsibility for a country. Would you be spoiled and entitled? Or humbled and worried? I get worried about going to college. I can't imagine being 16 and waiting to rule a country.
After that we went to Demels. What is Demels? Why it is the imperial bakery. Yes, I am serious. I had the most amazing things. Basically, I live for moments like that. It is a good thing that I didn't go to Demels earlier in the trip. I would have gained about 10 more pounds.
This morning Amelia and I climbed Stephansdom. It was 334 steps in a circle. Going up my thighs burned and going town I was dizzy. But the view was incredible. I love looking over cities. It makes me feel like a supreme being. But I also marvel at man's ability to create. I always thing "WE BUILT THAT!" I like seeing how crammed in a city is. I love cities. I am a city girl.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Bless this bread
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
Public Transport Gods (PTG)
"The bank is something else than men. It happens that every man in a bank hates what the bank does, and yet the bank does it. The bank is something more than men. It's the monster. Men made it, but they can't control it."
Well, lately the PTG have been on my side. It probably has to do with some recent human sacrifices on my part. Or maybe they just like me. But seriously, every time I go near public transport (except the S-bahn, but that doesn't count. It only comes every 20 minutes) the one I want shows up. It was true in Holland too. I haven't had to wait more than a minute for the Uban in about 2 weeks. And every time I get on some form of public transport, there is a seat for me. It practically has my name on it. Having the PTG on your side will make any bad day good.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
So, do you know what is really great at chasing away frowns? Letters. It is impossible to be sad when you have just gotten a letter in the mail. Unless of corse that letter is a bill. But if you are like me and the letter is not a bill but something handwritten from someone you love, then it is a great day when you get a letter. Today I got 2 letters! In one envelope was a bunch of letters from all the YW in my ward. It was really sweet of them. In the other envelope was a surprise birthday letter from my best friend KAT! The great thing about that letter was that Kat somehow wrote it on the exact same paper as is in my journal. Kat and I are so in sync. Thanks to everyone!
Monday, July 5, 2010
The Wall
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Moving up
So we talked to Tom. He said we should leave. It was really bad. So we talked to the institute. And they agreed completely. She isn't doing what she is supposed to be. And you really can't get rid of a problem
like ants. This was decided yesterday afternoon.
Fiends of the Night
[For Louise's Class]
The summer of my sixteenth birthday the Atlantic Ocean separated my parents and me. Somehow, I was granted permission to live in Vienna. I had finally achieved the independence and freedom all teenagers covet and was excited for my new, perfect life. I did not realize, however, that with my newfound freedom came a great responsibility for myself. I had to learn to choose to do what was right instead of what was fun. Learning that meant I made some pretty big messes.
Such a mess was the night I stayed at a café an hour away from my house watching Law and Order on my computer until midnight. I missed the last bus by about 45 minutes. I was walking up my street at 1 in the morning. To say I was jumpy was an understatement; I had the images of the raped and murdered girls of Law and Order running through my head. I was sure I couldn’t make it home alive.
When I heard a dog bark, I jumped. Not the jump where your back stiffens quickly, my feet actually left the ground. When a man and his German shepherd emerged from a front door, I sped up my walk to a near jog. The dog growled at me. He was not on a leash and I was concerned about his sharp teeth and their ability to tear my flesh. I walked ahead of them, looking over my right shoulder every 3 steps.
I suppose the man grew tired of my fearful looks of accusation. He shouted out something in German. My spine stiffened. I planted my feet and turned around.
“Kein Deutsch. English.” I said it as an apology. Americans are pests here.
“He won’t hurt you.” He pointed at the animal. “He is a guard dog. He is just barking and growling because that is what he is trained to do. He is beautiful, yes?”
I looked at the dog that had trotted ahead of us. I felt like Hagrid had just asked me if his giant spider or baby dragon was precious. This dog was a weapon, a machine of terror. It had no beauty. Still, I did not want to anger this potential rapist.
“Ja, he is beautiful. His coat is so shiny. His teeth are so sharp. And he is really muscular. What a beautiful dog. What kind is he?” I felt like red riding hood flattering the wolf to save herself.
“He is a pure bred German shepherd. His parents were in dog shows.”
“Really? That is so cool. He is very beautiful. Was he in any shows?” I was trying to keep the conversation going. I was still two minutes away from my house. Two minutes was enough time for this man to kill me.
“No. He has a spot of fur that is white on his chest. It is like a model having a birthmark. He couldn’t win anything.”
“Well I’m sorry. He looks like he could have won. Why do you need a guard dog anyway? I was told Vienna is pretty safe.”
“Wien is safe. But this street is known for having burglars.” My stomach dropped as he told me that. Now, in addition to this potential rapist and murder and his dog that would surely cripple me for life, I had more criminals that would prevent me from getting home alive to worry about. He continued, “The dog is better than an alarm. It will not only scare burglars, but also attack them.”
“And he is more beautiful” I added in for good measure. I was ready to leave this man and his beautiful weapon. I was scared. I did not want him to know where I lived. So I lied, “It’s been really nice talking to you, ehhhh, I’m sorry I didn’t get your name.”
“Well Markus, it has been really great talking to you and learning about your beautiful dog. This is my street, and I have to go. But I hope I see you again.”
And with that I walked down the closest side street, waited until Markus was out of sight, sprinted home, and prayed I would never see the fiends again.