If I die in Europe, it will not be because I was kidnapped and murdered. It will not be because I fell into the Uban track. It will not be because I slipped and hit my head. It will not be because I was shot by a sniper. It will not be because I was blown up in a terrorist attack. It will not be because I got in trouble with the Viennese mob. It will not be because I got lung cancer from the smoker. It will not be because a volcano exploded in Iceland. It will not be because there was a dangerous political riot. It will not be because I am an American and Europeans hate Americans. It will not be because I spent all my money and starved to death. It will not be because I am vulnerable to European diseases. It will be because I was hit by a car.
I only cross the street when the light is green. But sometimes the light changes when I am in the middle of the street. Cars don't like to wait and I am often running to get out of there way.
Sometimes I step off the curb when the light is green. It changes the moment I do so but I don't notice and I keep walking. It is basically like walking through four lanes of traffic. I can't tell you how many times Amelia has grabbed my backpack to keep me from walking into four lanes of traffic.
Some places don't have a nice light to tell me when to walk. So I go when it looks clear. But cars here drive like 200 mph around the city. And they appear and nearly hit me in a flash.
When I get off the bus I have to cross the street. But I can't see the other lane because of the bus. So I have to say a little prayer and hope it comes out okay. Last night there was a car that I couldn't see. It almost hit me.
I do hope I don't get hit by a car. Wish me luck.
I hate to tell you, but your crossing the street after getting off of the bus episode describes exactly how my sister got hit by a car. . .The key is you can't act scared. They can smell fear.