Friday, May 7, 2010


Today a man dressed as Mozart hit on me. He was working at das Oper, handing out pamphlets in front. All I asked him was where the Uban was. He told me. Then he told me that I looked like I was Finish. I told him I was from Utah. He said that my mother probably had an affair in Finland of which I was the result. Charming. Classy. Then he told me that he was a 32 year old studying classical music. Then he asked for my number. So I lied and told him I didn't have one. So he gave me his email. I walked away promising to email him. Don't worry though, that won't happen.
What does it say about me if the first adult to ask for my number was dressed like Mozart?


  1. I think it means you're classy.

  2. Were you wearing your eggplant velvet j crew blazer?

  3. Elisabeth- I am a classy, high class, well educated lady who says "fuck" alot and seduces men dressed like Mozart

    Aimee - I was not wearing that though I should have been. I wasn't even dressed cute!
