Saturday, May 29, 2010

"The sister"

When you live with someone who hardly speaks the same language as you, there are bound to be miscommunications. Frau and mine’s was “the sister”. “Frau told us about “the sister” on the first day, but we were tired and she was mostly speaking German. What I knew for sure was that she sleeps in the spare room, she and another “sister” switched every 2 weeks, and “the sister” needed the bathroom until 7:30 every morning.

This anonymous figure became the joke among the three of us living in Frau’s house. Sightings were rare. The first time I saw “the sister” it was about 9 at night and I was trying to get myself out of the bathroom (the doors lock with a key and sometimes I struggle). I finally opened the door and out came “the sister”. She had caramel hair that was all over the place and she was wearing a white nightgown. She started speaking a language that wasn’t German, French or English. I must have looked confused. She tried to act out what she was saying, putting her hands over her heart and opening her mouth huge. I never really understood, but I nodded. I think that she was trying to say that I was too loud trying to get out of the bathroom. Sorry “sister”.

“The sister” complained to Frau once about us. Apparently, we had left the bathroom a mess. That simply isn’t true, we are very careful to keep the bathroom clean. But “the sister” complained that it was a disaster. Frau chastised us. I didn’t like that.

I had one other “sister” sighting. I woke up too early one day, and I went up to the bathroom. Through the warped glass door, I saw a figure dressed entirely in black. I knew it had to be the sister. Based on the outfit, I was sure that she was a nun. It made sense. That would be why Frau called her “the sister” and it would explain the strange black outfit.

Amelia has had a few “sister” sightings, but nothing came out of them. “The sister” does not speak English. Jana has not yet had a “sister” sighting. She is just unlucky. I consider myself “the sister” expert at the house.

The other night at dinner, we were having a lovely conversation with Frau. We were finally communicating with Frau. So I decided to find out about “the sister”.

I said, “Frau, is “the sister” a nun?”

“A nonne Cathoolicke? Nooo.” She laughs and laughs. “She has a husband and two children. A nonne.”

“So then who is she?”

“She ist nurse. She take care of the wife of professor, old friend of my husband’s (husband is dead). The professor vas head of animals at universitat. His wife is very sick, parkinsons.” Fraus shakes her head. “ “The sister” takes care of her. She switch mit her sister 2 weeks. The one who is here now schpreken English perfect.”

And so the mystery of “the sister” was solved.

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